
Neck Pain Relief


A Results-Oriented Approach to Neck Pain Relief

If you’re struggling with neck pain, you’re not alone: recent studies reveal that approximately 30% to 50% of adults experience it each year. Neck pain has several potential causes ranging from poor posture to nerve compression, but no matter the cause, the experts at Aurelio Performance Physical Therapy in Scottsdale, AZ will help you find a solution.

Neck pain is more than just an annoyance. In addition to sharp or dull aches, it can include stiffness and muscle soreness. In more severe cases, neck pain can lead to pain or weakness in the arm and significantly impact daily activities, function, and quality of life.

Here are just a few of the ways that neck pain can impact your day-to-day life:

  • Limited Range of Motion: Difficulty moving your head is one of the most common accompaniments to neck pain and can make several daily activities a challenge, such as driving, work tasks, or household chores.
  • Headaches: Headaches and neck pain often go hand-in-hand, as tension and discomfort in the neck can contribute to the development of headaches or migraines.
  • Sleep Disturbances: Persistent, intense neck pain can interfere with your sleep, affecting overall health and performance.
  • Decreased Work Performance: LIngering neck pain will make it challenging for you to concentrate on work tasks, especially for office workers–prolonged sitting and extended computer use can worsen neck pain.
  • Lost Leisure Time: Work isn’t the only thing neck pain affects. Neck pain and stiffness will make it harder to work out, participate in your favorite recreational activities, or spend time with loved ones.

At Aurelio Performance Physical Therapy, our physical therapists take a results-oriented approach to neck pain relief. We’ll work to determine what’s causing your pain so we can address it at the source, helping to ensure lasting relief. Treatment options include a variety of evidence-based approaches, including manual therapy, targeted stretches, strengthening, and other pain management techniques.

Our expert physical therapists will help you alleviate pain and restore function so you can get back to the activities that are important to you.

Don’t let neck pain hold you back any longer. Request an appointment at our Scottsdale, AZ clinic today!

What’s Causing My Neck Pain?

Neck pain has a variety of underlying causes. Identifying and understanding the source of your specific incidence of neck pain is crucial in determining the most effective treatment option.

Here are some of the most common causes of neck pain:

  • Poor Posture: Poor postural habits, such as slouching or hunching the shoulders, put excessive strain on the muscles, ligaments, and vertebrae in the neck, leading to pain. These habits often develop due to sedentary lifestyles, improper ergonomics, or lack of body alignment awareness.
  • Muscle Strain: Muscle strain, also known as a pulled muscle, occurs when muscle fibers are overstretched or torn. Most people strain their neck muscles due to holding their neck in an awkward position for too long, often due to using a smartphone or computer.
  • Whiplash: Whiplash is a neck injury that occurs when the head is forcefully jerked backward and forward beyond its normal range of motion, thus straining or tearing the muscles or ligaments in the neck. We mainly associate whiplash with car accidents, but it can also result from sports injuries or falls.
  • Spinal issues: Certain spinal issues, such as a herniated disc or degenerative disc disease, can put pressure on the spinal joints, nerves, and/or muscles, leading to neck pain or neck stiffness.

No matter the cause of your neck pain, the experts at Aurelio Performance Physical Therapy will develop a customized treatment plan to address it. In addition to addressing your neck pain at the source, we can also provide pain management techniques to help you feel better faster.

Our physical therapists can help you overcome discomfort, regain mobility, and enjoy the lasting benefits of an active lifestyle.

Take the first step towards lasting neck pain relief by scheduling a consultation with one of our physical therapists in Scottsdale, AZ today!

How Will You Treat My Neck Pain?

The team at Aurelio Performance Physical Therapy will always begin with a comprehensive evaluation so we can determine the exact source of your neck pain. We’ll consider your symptoms, health history, and information from our detailed physical examination.

Once we know the cause of your neck pain, we’ll develop a customized treatment plan specifically for your needs. We offer several different evidence-based treatment approaches focused on addressing pain and improving mobility and range of your motion.

Some of the approaches you might find in your physical therapy treatment plan include the following:

Therapeutic Exercise

We design targeted exercise programs to strengthen the muscles surrounding your neck and upper back. We also work to ensure any restrictions are freed up with stretches and mobility work. Exercise and movement are some of the most effective means of addressing pain.

Manual Therapy

Manual therapy is a hands-on treatment that involves applying pressure to the affected area, manipulating soft tissues, and mobilizing joints to increase flexibility and reduce pain.

Postural Education

Because postural issues often contribute to neck pain, we’ll assess and address any imbalances in your posture. We’ll guide you through exercises and strategies to improve posture and maintain proper alignment during daily activities.


Our team may also use various modalities like electrical stimulation and ice or heat therapy to alleviate pain, reduce tension, and promote healing in the neck region. If you’re struggling with intense pain, these modalities can help prepare your body for exercise or other more active treatment approaches.

Neck pain is common, but it’s also easily treatable. By identifying the cause of your neck pain and then pulling from various evidence-based approaches to address it, we’ll help you find lasting results.

Don’t let neck pain hold you back from the things you love. Request an appointment with our Scottsdale, AZ experts today!

Your Next Steps…

  1. Request An Appointment

  2. Receive A Custom Treatment Plan

  3. Work Hard and Progress In Your Recovery

  4. Recover & Enjoy Life Pain-Free!

Your Well-Being Is Our Top Priority.